
Autodesk sketchbook brushes android
Autodesk sketchbook brushes android

autodesk sketchbook brushes android autodesk sketchbook brushes android

23ģ Swatch panel Select a swatch Create and change a swatch.25 Change your view Zoom in and move around a sketch Zoom out of a sketch View the full canvas Gallery 29 Edit New/Import Export 2SD Share Copy/Delete Sketching and painting 30 Create a new sketch Import a sketch Layered images Gallery and saving Importing a sketch Drawshapes Flood fill and area Symmetry Undo and redo Undo brushstrokes Redo brushstrokes iii P ageĤ Adding text 36 How do I add text Transforming text Using layers 37 Layers and the Layer Editor What are layers? How do I use layers? Add a layer Duplicate a layer Add an image Merge layers Delete a layer Hide and show a layer Reorder layers Change layer opacity Preserve layer transparency Blend modes Multiply layers Add layers Screen layers Apply blend modes Transforming a layer 48 Move, rotate, or scale a layer Save, export, and post sketches 50 Save your sketch Export your sketch.

autodesk sketchbook brushes android

9 Zoom into and out of the canvas.9 Reposition the canvas Brush Properties puck Access the Brush Properties puck Resize a brush Corner tools Slider fidelity Glossary Change brushes, colors, and your view 18 Select a brush Radial menu Select a brush Editor Select a brush Customize brushes Change brush properties Color Wheel Change color panels Select a color Color Editor Change RGB and HSB. 2 Contents SketchBook Pro for Android What's New Introduction 7 Sketching.

Autodesk sketchbook brushes android